Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My Daily Walk to Class
Monday, April 19, 2010
I'm Back...But Not With Anything Too Fun
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Question and Answer Time...Yay!
Park Pobedy (Парк Победы)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Game Results and Tour
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ЦСКА vs Inter
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday Supermarket Travels
Today was mostly just another day in Moscow because my family isn't really religious so we did not do anything special for Easter. However, today I did go with Sergey to the supermarket (гипермаркет = gipermarket). It was quite an experience. Although it's called a supermarket, it was more like a giant Walmart. Emphasis on giant. Each aisle in the store was numbered and there we 80 aisles. Ginormous! We were there for almost 2 hours shopping for the month. I thought the place was packed with people, but when talking with Sergey about it, he said that it was basically empty compared to most days. We bought many things, to list a few: water, Siberian pop, beef, chicken, bread, candy, and even hot-sauce so that I can make Buffalo Chicken for Sergey...he's very interested to see what it is, since it's basically my favorite meal. Also we bought a roasted whole chicken to eat for dinner tonight. Sergey and I basically devoured it when we got home...it was awesome!
That's about everything exciting that I have to report from today. Just going to relax and watch some tv (not understand everything, but watch it nonetheless) with Larisa before going to bed.
Well I'm out... Пока!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Moscow Kremlin Tour
Hello Russian Enthusiasts,
...okay, most of you probably aren't Russian enthusiasts, but you enjoy reading about my adventures in Moscow right?
Anyway, Wednesday was our tour of the Kremlin, and it was great! We had a tour guide and our tour lasted 4 hours, so we saw basically everything that is available to the public. However, inside all of the buildings, churches, etc. in the Kremlin you are not allowed to take pictures so all I have are pictures of the outsides...still cool though. Ha. The coolest building we went into, in my opinion, was the Armory. It's basically a museum of everything once owned by the Tsars. Inside they have outfits that Peter the Great wore, and the dresses that the Tsarinas (wives of the Tsars) wore on their coronation and marriage. Also they have carriages that the royal family used to ride in and tons of weapons like rifles, pistols, sabers, swords, and also protective gear like helmets and chain-mail armor. But I don't have any pictures of that, only of the buildings and the grounds of the Kremlin. So here they are!